Congratulations to Don – a Queenslander at heart who was instrumental in getting Moreton Island declared as a national park. Without the efforts of environmental heroes like this, so many of our prime natural areas would be mined or cleared today. Good to see ACF is advocating for protected areas again – we can’t take anything for granted!

Don Henry in Tasmania


We are delighted to announce our own Don Henry as winner of the United Nations Association of Australia Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year Award 2013!

The United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Awards shine a light on the work of innovative and outstanding environmental leaders, programs and initiatives across Australia.

These awards recognise those incredible people who give up their time to contribute to our environment – Tony Burke 

Don Henry has been awarded the Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year for his ongoing work on environment issues of national significance.Don spent much of 2012 and 2013 in South Australia advocating for a strong Murray-Darling Basin Plan and in Tasmania working to establish the Tasmanian Forest Agreement with industry, government, unions and environment groups.

It gives a great sense of purpose to know you are making a positive contribution to the health of our beautiful planet – Don Henry