Many of the reports we prepare are confidential and we are not able to share them on these pages. However, associated with a recent project we prepared maps for Australia as a whole and most jurisdictions of the coverage of known protected and conserved areas, including the 2022 representation of bioregions and subregions. The maps used and interpreted the 2022 CAPAD data. One of the maps for Queensland is shown here. If you would like access to any of these maps, please contact us.
Protected Area Solutions product: Conservation investment opportunities in Australia: Report to the Ian Potter Foundation, Greening Australia, The Nature Conservancy and Bush Heritage Australia Conservation investment report
Protected Area Solutions product: Management effectiveness in PNG’s Protected Areas PNGPA-final-130318-lo
Papua New Guinea Policy on Protected Areas
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
Global study into management effectiveness 2nd edition 2010
Management effectiveness guidelines 2nd edition
Latest news and information on African protected areas, including downloadable management effectiveness reports
Protected planet – for maps and more of every protected area on the world database
Our favourite natural history blog – great photos and great information