Current and recently completed projects include:
- Advice to Pew Charitable Trusts and conservation NGOs on pathways to protection of 30% of Australian land, 2023, including preparation of protected area and representation maps for all states of Australia
- Review of Reserve Management Plans in the ACT, Australia, 2023
- Review of Queensland’s contribution to global biodiversity conservation targets: the role of Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs) for the Queensland Dept Environment and Science, 2022
- Analysis of Environment Situation for the PNG Common Country Report, 2020 and update 2022, for UNDP PNG
- Support for UNDP in Papua New Guinea GEF6 Project: Consultancy for the Preparation of revised Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool, Protected Area Forum and M&E for Papua New Guinea 2020-2021
- Report for Queensland Conservation Council and Pew Charitable Trusts on priorities for forest transfers to protected areas in SE Queensland 2021
- Editing role and contributions to State of Protected and Conserved Area reports for Oceania and for Eastern and Southern Africa (for Biopama through IUCN) published 2022
- Preparing a report for the Ian Potter Foundation, Greening Australia and The Nature Conservancy on opportunities for investment in nature conservation in Australia 2019
- Management specialist advice for protected areas in Papua New Guinea (major project for CEPA and UNDP under GEF 5) 2018-19
- Briefing for future strategy for private nature conservation in Queensland (Pew Foundation and Queensland Trust for Nature) Completed October 2018
- Communication and resource materials for national parks (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) including Wuthathi, Bromley, Kutini-Payumu, and Cape Melville, for Traditional Owners through Queensland Parks and WIldlife Service) 2018-19.
- Evaluation of the recovery program for the Bridled Nailtail Wallaby (Qld. Dept of Environment and Science) completed October 2018
- Compilation of management effectiveness information for the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2018
- Evaluation of Protected Area Management Effectiveness for protected areas in Papua New Guinea (through SPREP, with CEPA and UNDP) 2016-17
- Scoping document for “Knowledge Expeditions” in National Parks (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land)
- Preparation of safety sign strategies for key national parks in Queensland (Client: Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, 2016)
- Preparation of four values statements for key national parks in Queensland (Client: Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, 2016)
- Assistance with review of protected area policy and management for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (subconsultant to Uniquest, 2016)
- Assistance with training in management effectiveness for Indonesian protected area managers (subconsultant to Uniquest, 2016)
- Reviews of two recovery plans for Queensland threatened species – adding in the thinking and conceptual diagrams from the “Open standards for conservation’, so that values, threats and strategies are clearly linked (2015)
- Contribution to Protected Area Policy for Papua New Guinea : – a major step forward for conservation in this country of wonderful natural and cultural diversity. (Client: UNDP and the Government of PNG – 2013-14)
- Advances in management effectiveness evaluation for Ramsar Sites, including workshop facilitation and development of a specific tool for Ramsar Sites: completed Septement 2014 (Client: Ramsar Secretariat, Switzerland)
- Report on management effectiveness for WWF East Africa: completed August 2014 (Client: World Conservation Monitoring Centre/ WWF East Africa)
- Protected Areas Management Effectiveness Database – compiling and analysing all available data about protected area management effectiveness evaluations: completed January 2015 (Client: World Conservation Monitoring Centre)
- Compilation and analysis of WWF management effectiveness information: completed November 2014 (Client: World Conservation Monitoring Centre/ WWF)
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