Management effectiveness in PNG’s protected areas

IN 2016-2017 our small team (Fiona, Ann and Greg) in conjunction with staff from PNG’s Conservation and Environment Protection Agency conducted an evaluation of all the protected areas in the country. We worked for SPREP (Secretariat of the Pactific Regional Environment Council) and UNDP, with funding from the Global Environment Fund. Whew enough acronyms! Thanks also to all the wonderful people who gave freely of their time to come to workshops. The final report can be downloaded here.PNGPA-final-130318-lo

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Side Events at the 28th SPREP Meeting – Effectiveness of Papua New Guinea’s Protected Areas

Better understanding of protected areas management and priorities were some of the key outcomes from Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Protected Areas project highlighted during a side event at the 28th Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) meeting, in Apia, Samoa. PNG currently has 58 gazetted protected areas, both marine and terrestrial. Under PNGs new Protected Areas Policy it will regularly evaluate management effectiveness of these areas. The evaluation of the effectiveness of management within these protected areas was…

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Canada: National parks improvements planned, with goal of attracting more immigrants, urbanites

Parks Canada is warning that it faces a growing challenge in remaining relevant to Canadians, so it plans to improve camping, accommodations, trails and amenities Source: National parks improvements planned, with goal of attracting more immigrants, urbanites   The strategy for the coming few years is laid out in its 2016-17 report on plans and priorities, which details some of the challenges facing Parks Canada and how it hopes to engage Canadians at risk of becoming disconnected with nature. “Parks…

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Free e-book on Protected Area Governance and Management

Fiona, MArc and some 200 other authors have combined to contribute to an ebook on protected area management. It is free to download – see the ANU website to download Protected Area Governance and Management presents a compendium of original text, case studies and examples from across the world, by drawing on the literature, and on the knowledge and experience of those involved in protected areas. The book synthesises current knowledge and cutting-edge thinking from the diverse branches of practice and…

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The “Soft Fascination” of Nature – News – The Ecologist

The “Soft Fascination” of Nature – News – The Ecologist. Add Media Richard Dolesh reports on a recently published study, the findings of which support what most of us know intuitively – that nature is good for us. Just being in nature can give you an emotional lift A walk in the park can calm and restore you. This is something we take for granted in parks and recreation, because we have known it to be true ever since we…

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Environmentalist of the Year – Don Henry

Congratulations to Don – a Queenslander at heart who was instrumental in getting Moreton Island declared as a national park. Without the efforts of environmental heroes like this, so many of our prime natural areas would be mined or cleared today. Good to see ACF is advocating for protected areas again – we can’t take anything for granted! June 7, 2013 FROM We are delighted to announce our own Don Henry as winner of the United Nations Association of…

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“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein
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