Boomer Visits to National Parks Increase –
Boomer Visits to National Parks Increase –
Boomer Visits to National Parks Increase –
Queensland government opens up common resources to private interests.
Indigenous Leaders Gathering in Australia to Share Conservation Ideas.
What is happening in Australia? See the new article in “The Conversation” by some leading scientists: “Our national parks must be more than playgrounds or paddocks.” Photo below is on the border of Homevale National Park ( the park in the foreground, a private grazing enterprise over the fence. Notice the difference between grazed and ungrazed, even in a good season. In the heavily grazed paddock, there is no seeding grass for the many species of small birds who rely…
The May newsletter from the West Africa Credit union fees project. I have posted the French version – please visit their site to download it in English! “Law enforcement monitoring in protected areas: necessary for conservation, but inadequate for good governance” Microsoft Word – lettreNAPA-64-0513 FR – lettreNAPA-64-0513 FR.pdf.
Qld’s national parks cattle grazing laws ‘disastrous’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).
Controversial vegetation laws passed in parliament last night will increase land clearing, say conservationists | The Courier-Mail.
Latest newsletter from the African protected areas program – always interesting reading! Available in English and French Microsoft Word – lettreNAPA-63-0413 EN – lettreNAPA-63-0413-EN.pdf.
dirtgirlworld wins Emmy Award! | ACF. Cool program for kids about sustainable ethics
COMPACT Sénégal – YouTube. Video about biosphere reserve in Senegal. Thanks to Khatary Mbaye for posting on linked-in