Seychelles island of D’Arros becomes an official nature reserve – Seychelles News Agency
A small protected area can still make an important contribution
A small protected area can still make an important contribution
02 July 2014 | Article A team of scientists working in partnership with IUCN has revealed that intergovernmental commitments to expand global protected areas could still leave many species in danger of disappearing from our planet. A strategy to expand protected areas from 13% to 17% of the earth’s land surface by 2020 was put in place as part of the 20 Aichi Targets in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) strategic plan in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. However, the…
The Newest National Monument Is Twice as Big as Any Obama Has Created—And It's Beautiful | Smart News | Smithsonian.
Tony Abbott’s Tasmanian wilderness claim doesn’t check out – Fact Check – ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
This property was purchased with National Reserve System funding – will they pay it back? One risk in putting effort and funding into private protected areas!
The Diamantina River is many kilometres wide as the Channel Country lives up to its name. Photos by Chris Mitchell. Diamantina National Park is the only protected area the river flows through in Queensland, on its long journey to Lake Eyre.
Andrea and Fiona spent a week in Port Moresby last month meeting with the senior protected area staff in PNG, to facilitate their new polocy on protected areas. More information to come as the policy develops!
Inquiry into streamlining environmental regulation, ‘green tape’, and one stop shops On Thursday, 27 February 2014 the Minister for the Environment, The Hon Greg Hunt MP, asked the Committee to inquire into and report on streamlining environmental regulation, ‘green tape’, and one stop shops. The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by Friday, 11 April 2014. Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information. In order to facilitate…
A new study published about lions in West Africa. Our associate Lauren Coad is a co-author Shocking Study Finds Lions are Nearly Extinct in West Africa By John R. Platt | January 8, 2014 | 23 Email Print Physically and emotionally demanding. That’s how Philipp Henschel, Lion Program Survey Coordinator for the big-cat conservation organization Panthera, describes the six years he and other researchers spent combing the wilds of 17 nations looking for the elusive and rarely studied West African lion. The…
Scientists identify the world’s most irreplaceable protected areas | BirdLife.